tekki / 20↑ / ♀️
very gay
libra sun / pisces asc / virgo moon
phlegmatic temperament / isfp
prospit / bard of rage
i sometimes post art on @turtleramen, same url for tumblr
(i dont rly use tumblr but i find it very hard to part with its neat archive system and customizable blog pages)

the holy trinity

i somehow tripped and fell and before i knew it these two altered my brain chemistry

vanya gets a special lil segment

mywife is soft nd ilovehim

and them <3

(yes baby grogu is on the list as well. he has no characterization outside of being an infant and we love him)

this page is just for fun, a bunch of stuff that just makes me laugh a lotif u see urself on here yes i like to take screenshots of convos its bc im a libra sun <3 cheers

bonus photo of me talking abt naruto